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23 October 2024 - 24 October 2024
Pisa, Italy
JOBFair 2024
Register now
Open until 14 October 2024

Companies and NGOs




From July 31th


  1. Register each recruiter;
  2. Create a clear and concise business profile to raise your visibility on the platform. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to students and alumni, and who you want to meet. A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests.

From September 2nd till October 14th midday

Matching period

  • Receive meeting requests from students/alumni and evaluate CVs (accept/decline).

By October 9th

Personal agenda

  • You can view date/time of your meetings via the Menu “Meetings” at any time
  • Check all your pending meeting requests and consider accepting or decline
  • Download the "b2match" Mobile App (iOS/Android) to

    * get access to your meeting schedule on your mobile phone

    * be informed about last-minute changes (bookings, cancellations)

October 23th OR October 24th

One-to-one meetings

  • Pick up your badge at the Company desk





From September 2nd


  1. Register
  2. Select interview sessions (morning and/or afternoon session) and if you're interested in some company presentation
  3. Upload your cv
  4. Check company/ONG profiles
  5. Send job interview requests to companies of your choice

From September 2nd till October 14th midday

Matching period

  1. Companies/ONG evaluate job interview requests
  2. You will receive a confirmation or a cancellation from each company/ONG
  3. Your profile will be automatically updated with your schedule

N.B.: You can add further meetings at any time but please be aware that the bookings are managed on the principle "first come - first served".

By October 21st

Personal meeting schedule

  • View your personal meeting schedule on your profile
  • You can view date/time of your meetings via the Menu “Meetings” at any time
  • Download the "b2match" Mobile App (iOS/Android) to

    * get access to your meeting schedule on your mobile phone

    * be informed about last-minute changes (bookings, cancellations)

October 23th and October 24th

Job interviews

  • Pick up your badge at the Students' desk

P.za M. della Libertà, 33
56127 Pisa, Italy
Organised by
Participants 77
Meetings 75
Other 22
ICT & Telecom 12
Consultancy 10
Life sciences, Medicine & Pharmaceutical 8
Law firm 5
Insurance 4
Automotive 4
Banking & Finance 3
Services 3
R&D Institution 2
Shipbuilding 2
Space 1
Total 78